Read more about the article Hearing Loss
Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss

HEARING LOSS Treatment IN CHILDREN Hearing loss in children can happen at birth or occur as they grow up. It can affect a single ear or both ears. The hearing…

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Read more about the article Ear Infections
Ear Infections

Ear Infections

EAR INFECTIONS Ear infections are common in children and can occur as: External ear infections: occur because of ear trauma, ear digging, ear wax, swimming in non-chlorinated water, or many…

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Read more about the article Blocked Nose
Blocked Nose

Blocked Nose

Blocked Nose Treatment Blocked or stuffy nose can occur due to a variety of reasons: Allergic rhinitis Hay fever Sinusitis Deviated nasal septum or previous nasal truama Nasal polyps or…

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Read more about the article Adenoiditis


Adenoids are the 3rd tonsil in our body, located at the back of the nose. Just like tonsils, adenoids also help protect the body against infections in early childhood. But…

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Read more about the article Tonsilitis


Tonsils are paired organs at the back of our throat. They form part of the immunity system of children in early childhood helping to protect against infection. However, tonsils can…

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Read more about the article Throat


The throat is susceptible to infections, disorders and diseases. Some of the most commonly occurring ones can include: Sorethroat Tonsilitis Adenoiditis Strep throat Globus ( sensation of something stuck in…

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