Ear & Balance
Ear & Balance
Our ears are a complex system that not only helps us hear the various sounds of the world, but also aids in our physical balance and stability. The vestibular system, that helps with balance, is found within the ear. This balance system is in itself comprised of three semi-circular canals as well as two otolith organs, that are all filled with fluid. The vestibular system detects our head’s movements and sends signals to the brain, which in turn signals the rest of the body, hence keeping our balance and stability.
The vestibular system is most efficient when we are younger, and tends to react slowly as we age, leading to problems with the ear and overall balance. Sometimes, external factors such as an infection, can also trigger the vestibular system to stop functioning properly. Regardless, our ENT specialist at Aurion ENT & Hearing Centre can help you identify the root cause of your balance problems and help you get through them with ease.