Ear and Hearing

Ear And Hearing
Our ears are complex organs that help us hear the various sounds of around us. The entire auditory system consists of the outer ear (the part we see), the middle ear (eardrum and three hearing bones), the inner ear (cochlea and semi-circular canals) as well as the auditory nerves. With a series of complex steps, the entire ear system helps us hear, by transmitting audible sound to the hearing cortex in our brain so that we make sense of the sound into auditory information like speech with higher function such as understanding.
Some of the commonly observed ear conditions in children are :
- Ear wax
- External ear infections
- Middle ear infections
- Congenital hearing loss
- Hearing loss developing later in childhood
- Single sided deafness
- Tinnitus or ringing in ears
- Dizziness
It is advisable to consult an ENT specialist so as to receive an accurate diagnosis and understand the most appropriate treatment for your condition.