Vestibular Neuronitis

Vestibular Neuronitis
Vestibular neuronitis is a condition wherein a branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve, (the nerve that deals with balance and steadiness) in the inner ear is affected or inflamed, leading to disruptions in the signals sent to the brain about our position and balance.
Vestibular neuronitis is often characterised by the following symptoms:
- Sudden vertigo
- Dizziness
- Issues with balance and steadiness
- Nausea and vomiting
Generally, the symptoms of vertigo and dizziness occur suddenly and are most severe in the first 24 hours, then abate within 72 hours. However, during the episode, it can be excruciating and uncomfortable, often hindering daily functioning. Once the severe symptoms lessen, patients should expect to recover gradually back to normal in the following weeks.
The major cause of vestibular neuronitis is believed to be viral infection.
Treatment for vestibular neuronitis deals with treating the underlying viral infection and managing the symptoms exhibited. Some treatments you could be administered with can include:
- Medication to reduce swelling, nausea, vomiting, or dizziness
- Antiviral treatment
- Steroids to alleviate symptoms
- Balance physiotherapy